Alessandro Gentilini

Sì, lo so, la fettuccia e l'anello di cordino kevlar non sono portati correttamente, dovrebbero stare da un lato sotto l'ascella.



Un tentativo di Translagorai


December 2016, a small contribution to Ceres Solver 1.12.0, A Nonlinear Least Squares Minimizer: Auto-differentiable implementations of Bessel functions.

YADDA, or an homage to Statpics.


Test for kd-tree, using code by Vladimir Agafonkin.

beta - Comparison charts for frequency estimations of bioclasts, peloids, ooids, oncoids, and lithoclasts.

An acknowledgement in Data Analysis Recipes: Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo, David W. Hogg and Daniel Foreman-Mackey 2018 ApJS 236 11.

An acknowledgement in Carlo Pescio, C++ manuale di stile, reloaded, 2010.

13532385396179 and Ronald Graham at Knuth80 conference, January 8-10, 2018, Piteå, Sweden.


A wonderful animation of water wave by professor Mark McClure, a local copy.

La partita di Pelagaletto infinita esiste!
